A delicious combination of complex sugars and additives.

Saturday, October 01, 2005

It's for the poor

One argument Gilroy city government floated for super Wal-Mart was the need for low cost retail and food for the working poor of Gilroy. Well our lovely city council didn't see fit to approve a shopping complex that could support a bus - they can't make it to the store.

The Dispatch: "Wal-Mart spokeswoman Amy Hill said she was surprised to learn that the new store won’t have bus service.

"“We certainly want our customers to reach our store,"” Hill said. "“We will speak with the developers and other retailers and see if there’s an interest in working out this problem."
Well, for now, shoppers and Wal-Mart employees who rely on the 17 bus will have to get off in the Gilroy Crossing Shopping Center, take a long walk and risk crossing eight lanes of busy Pacheco Pass traffic.

“It would be a lot better if it stopped in front of the store,” new Wal-Mart employee Francisca Colon said on her way to work. “You can’t cross that street. By the time you get halfway across, the light changes.”

Did they design this on Wal-Mart's behalf?
Hell no.
They did it for themselves - low wage prices and no rif-raf.


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