A man in way over his head.
The Dispatch: "Mayor Al Pinheiro, one of five councilmen who approved the project in 2003, is still convinced of the supercenter’s benefits.
“It helps the consumer overall because the day that Wal-Mart opens, the other stores are going to all of a sudden adjust their prices to stay competitive,” he said. “That means they may have to adjust their profit margin and not be so fat. That’s a choice that they have to make, but who says I have to be the protector of what they do in their business.”"
Do grocery stores operate with fat profit margins Mayor Al or will they cut wages?
What does it matter? Who is Al to be a protector of people's livable wages? After all, what business does a City Mayor have in getting involved with supporting a livable wage in his City? He the Mayor for Chris'Sakes!
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